Current Events Organized by Neervely Welfare Association Canada

Summer Get Together and Sports Event & Annual General Meeting 2015 Video Coverage!!!

Posted on 18 Aug 2015 by Admin
Thank you for your Participation at Annual GetTogerher and Summer Sports Events
The committee members of Neervely Welfare Association Canada would like to extend their gratitude to those that participated at our Summer Get Together, Sports Events & Anuual General Meeting. Thanks to your cooperation and dedication the Sports Events completed successfully with the blessings from mother-nature. Special thanks to those who provided food, snacks and drinks and those who were in-charge of the sport events, our volunteers and well wishers. Again thank you for making the 2015 Summer Get Together and Sport Events a huge success. Looking forward to see you all at our winter cultural dinner event Vaalayadi Vaalai 2015.

Also at the general meeting our 2015-2016 Committee Members were elected. Mr.T.Sritharan was elected as President and Mr. Jegan Pasupathy was elected as new Secretary. Mr.B.Pirabakaran will continue his duties as Treasures. Full list our committee members will be posted at Neervely.Ca shortly.

Jegan P
Neervely Welfare Association- Canada Committee Members 2015-2016

Posted on 16 Aug 2015 by Admin

Posted on 20 Jul 2015 by Admin
2nd Annual Beach GetTogether 2015 - Thank You

We would like to thank everyone for your active participation in making our Annual Beach Get-Together 2015 at Sibbald Provincial Park a huge success. Our members spent the day enjoying the great weather, beach, food and the nature.

I would like to thank our committee members and well wishers for their hard work in organizing this event. Also I would like to thank the participants on behalf of our committee members for coming out early in the morning and making this event a successful one.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our four sponsors for their generous support.

1) Suncity Supermarket - Mr. Kannan
2761 Markham, Scarborough, ON M1M 1M4

Mr. Kannan provided quality groceries and food materials needed for this event at whole sale price and also provided parking spaces for our members so that they can park their vehicles at Suncity Super Market and take the bus to the beach.

2) Ideal Escape Vacation Ltd & Siva Ponniah (Home Life/GTA Realty Inc) 416-807-7482

Mr Siva Ponniah provided transportation services with two buses through his Ideal Escape Vacation Ltd and also participated in the event.

3) G2000 Express - Mr.T.Ganga - 416-885-7706

Like in the previous Beach Get-Together, Mr.T. Srinathan from G2000 Express provided a cargo van and pickup the food, BBQ machine, and other equipment that was required for the get-together and safely transported them back after the event.

4) Pancha's No-Frills (Eglinton Ave. W.) 1951 Eglinton Ave West, Toronto, ON M6E 2J7

Mr Kohan Panchalingam provided Burgers, Hot-Dogs, Corn and Buns needed for our BBQ.

Also Kohan was selected as Torchbearer on July 8th for the Toronto PAN-AM games. This is a proud moment for Neervely and its people. We have included a few pictures of Kohan with the PAN-AM torch surrounded by family and friends.

Once again we would like to thank our Sponsors and well wishers for their great support that led to the successful completion of this year’s Beach Get-Together. We would like to ask our members and their family and friends to give our Sponsors a chance to serve you in the near future.

Next we would like to thank our volunteers who worked hard along with our committee members as First-Aid providers, lifeguards, and our IT wing that runs Also big thanks to CMR and admin for promoting this event.

Finally my best wishes for this Beach Get-Together to continue every year with great success. I appreciate everyone that helped me and our committee organize this event as well as everyone that attended the event.

Best regards,

P.Jegan / Board of Directors 2014-2015


Posted on 14 Jul 2015 by Admin
Annual Beach Get-Tohether 2015 Photo Galary

Neervely Welfare Associaion - Canada's Annual Beach Get-Together 2015

Posted by Neervely Welfare Association Canada on Saturday, July 11, 2015

Posted on 12 Jul 2015 by Admin
Happy Canada Day

Posted on 01 Jul 2015 by Admin
நீர்வேலி மக்களின் கடற்கரை ஒன்றுகூடல் - NWAC's Annual Beach Get-Together
நீர்வேலி நலன்புரி சங்கம்-கனடா எதிர்வரும் July 11 ம் திகதி Saturday அன்று கடற்கரை கொண்டாட்டத்தை அங்கத்தவர்களின் வேண்டுகோளுக்கு இணங்க ஒழுங்கு செய்துள்ளார்கள்.

Scarborough ல் இருந்து ஏறத்தாள 82 Km தொலைவில் உள்ள Sibbald Point Provincial Park தேர்ந்தெடுத்துள்ளோம். அங்கு செற்றுவருவதற்கு பேரூந்து வண்டிகள் ஒழுங்கு செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது. பேரூந்து வண்டிகள் அதிகாலை 8.00 A.M. Sun City Super Market ல் உள்ள வாகன தரிப்பு இடத்தில் இருந்து புறப்பட ஒழுங்கு செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது.

Sun City Super Market: 2761 Markham Rd, Scarborough, ON. M1X 1M4.
Markham Rd & Nashdene
Sibbald Point Provincial Park: 26071 Park Rd, Sutton, ON L0E 1R0

*Parking Available by Sun City Super Market

Posted on 30 Jun 2015 by Admin
Summer Get Together and Sports Event & Annual General Meeting 2015

Posted on 30 Jun 2015 by Admin
Vaalayadi Vaalai 2014 Live Telecast

Posted on 09 Jan 2015 by Admin
Vaalayadi Vaalai 2014 this Saturday Jan 10th @ 5PM

Vaalayadi Vaalai 2014 will be taking place this Saturday, Jan 10th 2015 @ 5PM. Please attend with Family and Friends.

Location: JC’s Banquet Hall 1686 Ellesmere Rd, Toronto, ON, M1H 2V5, Canada

அனைவரையும் அன்புடன் அழைக்கிறோம்!!!

ஜெகன் : 416 999 8411
சசி:416 271-6038


Neervely Welfare Association - Canada

Posted on 08 Jan 2015 by Admin

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